Norm was one of the founding members of the Old Lyle Elementary School (OLESS) board and worked tirelessly to improve the building and green-space for all to enjoy. In 2010, OLESS applied for and received a grant from Klickitat county to build a picnic pavilion. Norm led a group of volunteers in building the pavilion. We have a some photos of that construction in our scenes from the LAC section. A subsequent grant enabled the construction of a bar-b-que for the pavilion. Once again, Norm led the construction effort and provided the technical expertise.
Today the pavilion is used by so many in our community every day. It provides a focal point for our little town and a venue for both informal get-togethers and planned activities.
Norm did so many other things on his own initiative and dime to support our mission. Every summer he put up a volley-ball net and bought new volley balls whenever a ball would disappear or become unusable. We miss him and are grateful for the many reminders of his generous spirit that continue to enrich our little town!
On December 1, 2018, the OLESS board dedicated the green-space pavilion to Norm. Many Lyle residents participated in the dedication event which was done in conjunction with the lighting of the holiday tree provided by Norm's family.
Today the pavilion is used by so many in our community every day. It provides a focal point for our little town and a venue for both informal get-togethers and planned activities.
Norm did so many other things on his own initiative and dime to support our mission. Every summer he put up a volley-ball net and bought new volley balls whenever a ball would disappear or become unusable. We miss him and are grateful for the many reminders of his generous spirit that continue to enrich our little town!
On December 1, 2018, the OLESS board dedicated the green-space pavilion to Norm. Many Lyle residents participated in the dedication event which was done in conjunction with the lighting of the holiday tree provided by Norm's family.