Become a Lyle Activity Center Member Today!
Fill out the Form Below to Become a Member
Rules Governing Lyle Activity Center Memberships are as Follows:
- Fill out the Lyle Activity Center membership form and submit it via email to (automatically done when selecting the "submit request" button on the form above) or submit it to the OLESS board at any general or members meeting. Meeting dates are listed on LAC calendar of events -
- No annual fee
- The annual members meeting occurs each April unless otherwise specified
- Lyle Activity Center members may nominate candidates for the OLESS board by emailing nominations to [email protected]
- Voting:
- Voting occurs at the Lyle Activity Center unless otherwise specified
- Notice of a vote will be announced via email to all voting members 10-60 days prior to the vote
- A list of voting members will be sent with the announcement. The list of voting members will also be available at the meeting
- One vote per member. This includes organizations
- A chair will be appointed by the OLESS board for any meeting in which voting occurs. The chair will announce when polls close. No changes are allowed once polls close
- No voting via delegate or proxy
- No quorum requirement. Members in attendance vote. If no members are in attendance there is no recommendation to the OLESS board
- Results are a recommendation to the OLESS board
- Special Meetings;
- Notice will be given of the purpose of a special meeting
- Only business within the purpose or purposes described in the meeting notice may be conducted at a special meeting
- Memberships are not available for transfer
- Termination of Membership
- Members may resign at any time by emailing or by written notice delivered to the OLESS board at any general or members meeting
- The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the OLESS board may terminate a membership of any member